Lets look at how it was marketed to the public by to supporters:
voting YES would add exactly 14 words to the California State Constitution:
"Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California"
Not so scary sounding right....but no they don't stop there, the go on to say:
voting no means....that children in public school will be taught that same sex marriage is just as good as traditional marriage. Unless Prop 8 passes, school districts will be required to teach that same sex marriage is equal in every way to traditional marriage.
Hmm....this was to scare the religious conservative that believe that being gay is a sin and frighten them into action. (hey it worked)
Churches may have their tax exempt status challenged or revoked if they publicly oppose same sex marriage or refuses to allow same sex marriage ceremonies in the religious buildings.
OMG, we have to let them in our churchs, they will bring the devil with them we just know it!
Adoption agencies will be forced to place children with same sex couples regardless of an agency's beliefs.
OMG the pour children, they will have two people who love and cherish them....oh my what will we do!
Ministers who preach against same sex marriages may be sued for hate speech and risk government fines.
OH wow, we can't take away their right to teach hate ! How horrible that would be!
Everyone will pay....changing the definition of marriage will generate a flood of lawsuits which will inflict heavy legal costs upon the parties who are sued and upon their business customers.
Sue...who? what? because ya know they aren't suing now because of their marriage or non marriage status...oh come on!
Okay, I know, marriage is traditional, its sacred, it is as old as time, its in the bible...and....oh what? Marriage has changed ya say? NO take it can't be true! What....marriage in the bible was more about "property exchange"? You lie, the attaining of the 1st or 2nd wife was much more important than the chickens and sheep that came with her. ...Yep folks thats right marriage is not some great tradition that has never changed, well unless ya ladies want to be"Property" of your husband. No? hmm, guess we have to admit that marriage isn't so traditional anymore right? I say....if we aren't going to grant gays the right to marry based on religious reasons, then we should allow divorce bases on religious reasons. I mean Jesus would really frown on that whole divorce thing ya know.
I've gotten pretty silly here, but it was to make a point. This should NOT be a religious issue. Didn't we form America while trying escape religious rule? What happened to separation of church and state? Why is this a religious issue?